“Men of Color, To Arms!” Manumitted Slaves and Freed Blacks from the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland Who Served in the Civil - by Dr. Clara L. Small and Rev. David Briddell
This compilation of meticulous research educates the reader about the political and social climate of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, which, at the time, constituted one of the largest slaveholding areas in Maryland. Recruitment practices and bounties offered give important historical background to who, when and how slaves and freed blacks enlisted and fought for freedom, justice and equality. Included: Names of 1284 U.S. Colored Soldiers from Worcester, Somerset and what is now Wicomico Counties; name of owner of each manumitted slave, date of manumission, age, if a freed black, name of regiment and company, date soldier died, disability, history of regiments and more. Illustrated with maps, photos and documents.
Paperback – Copyright 2010__________ 341 pages – photographs and illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-9703802-6-5 Price: $25
"Men of Color, To Arms!"
Book Review
“Rev. Briddell and Professor Small have truly provided a much-needed historical account of such brave African-Americans, those freed from their bonds and volunteers, who went forth into battle to secure liberty for all.”
…..Joseph Moore, Esq., and author - Berlin, MD
Book Review
“This book is a powerful revelation of documented history of African-American men from the Eastern Shore who want to know some of the history of African-American soldiers in the Civil War. This book also speaks to the roles and contributions that African-American men made toward the freedom of themselves.”
….Mr. Gabriel Purnell, Berlin, MD
Book Review
“…a first, very important step toward understanding the changing nature of slavery on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland…A comprehensive little-known roster of African-Americans who served in the Union forces during the Civil War with data on health, age, ownership. This is a most invaluable source for families tracing their roots.”
….Dr. G. Ray Thompson, Ph.D., Retired Professor of History, Salisbury University and Co-founder, former Director - Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture.
Book Review
“For the genealogist, the hundreds of names and notes regarding the military service of these Eastern Shore men offer families new opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of their ancestors. For the historian, the variety of dispositions cited stimulates the researcher to delve further into the complex lives of those who fought bravely for a government in which they were still second-class citizens. Small’s and Briddell’s clear documentation dare the reader to leave these stones unturned.”
…Chris Haley, Director – Study of the Legacy of Slavery in Maryland, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, MD